This is the most interesting part if we talk about managing components because it's the Components Manager by definition. It consists of two main methods :
This function is not used by the developper but it allows, in back end, a new type of components in the registry. In the same way, the component stores a self delete methods as a lambda in a _eraseFunc
private vector.
If your objective is to add a new component to the Sparse Array, you are at the right place. Let's just define what a world is before giving you a good example of adding a component and making it run properly.
Registry Class Private Member
It represents the group of components already registred by the registerComponent method
It represents the vector of self erase lambda of each component
It represents the bin of every deleted entities, used to recover an entity instead of creating another one
It represents the current number of entities used or able to be used in the Registry Class
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